Here’s to you, Bobby Hogg. One final loss for Cromarty, score one for lingua mortua…
Today Is the 50th Anniversary of the First Beatles Single(via @Gizmodo) →
John and Paul hated it, and Ringo didn’t even play drums in it, but this was the song that jumpstarted one of the most influential bands in modern music.
A great little article. Apparently, Ringo played on the album version, while the single version has Andy White on drums.
The Bad Plus perform Stravinsky's Rite of Spring
It might as well be printemps.
The Bad Plus outdo themselves on this one, and one can only sit in breathless patience waiting for a studio recording. Stravinsky’s Sacre du Printemps, the Rite of Spring, transformed (and piano-reduced) by one of the most inspirational of bands.
played and engineered this little bit of a bit of a project.
playing some drums and cymbals and shakers and triangles and things.
yeah, oh yeah.
I played some drums and some percussion on this tune.
'Ey. I got somethin' to say.
I’m just not sure what it is. Maybe I’ll get somewhere on this matter..
Follow me back to 2009, with The March Hare just about to release a debut album. Creating Mister Nimbus was a hell of an endeavor for us all, and this music video captures our band’s spirit. Hope you enjoy “Dial 911!” - if you dig, Nimbus is still on sale at iTunes…
From Megalodon’s Summer 2011 recording session.