Our teenage idols over at AbsolutePunk.net handed down a 74% rating for our first offering, and that's alright by me.
"The best description of The March Hare’s record is that it is like being at a mad tea party. Things are happening around you that don’t make sense and it all freaks you out. There are moments of softness, but they are superseded by the factions of chaos and disorganization in the atmosphere."
I think the chaos is exactly what we aimed for.
"The March Hare act like five friends who fiddle around with their chord dimensions, reaching well beyond the limits of what other artists produce. Not only is the music esoteric and radical but it goes way past the barriers of standard chord notations."
Thanks for the words, Susan. Check out the full review here, and if you wanna take a post core time machine to 2004, listen to the EP here.